Select from the below business cases to see how I've applied Service Design methodologies to deliver business outcomes.
Fraud Loss Recovery
After conducting current state discovery across the Customer Fraud Journey, we identified an opportunity to improve the way we show up for customers when they've experienced financial loss as a result of fraud. After an initial assessment, we were confident that making a simple policy and process change, we'd be able to deliver quick and significant benefits to our customer and our business teams.
Due to the sensitivity of this subject matter, some details were not included in the overview below.
The Brief
The Opportunity Space
The Current State
Customers who experience financial loss as a result of fraud have to wait XX days for resolution of their transaction dispute (aka Fraud Dispute).
Policies in place today that allow for immediate credit back to the customer’s account in ‘good faith’ are conservative and benefit a very small population of customers annually.
The Hypothesis
This work sets out to prove that a decrease cycle time and transaction volume within our operations teams, would more than offset any financial risk we would assume by extending the ‘good faith’ policy to more quickly resolve customer disputes for a larger population of customers.
The Process
Right Problem

Leveraged existing Fraud Journey artifacts to validate the opportunity space.

Pulled operational data as well as customer experience data to size the opportunity.

Captured the current customer experience and used operational data to integrate a milestone timeline (cycle times).
Right Solution

Aligned with Business Stakeholders and Product Owners on the problem statement, the audience, the business objectives, and the key outcomes. This allowed us to set expectations for the work together, and formally scope the initiative.

Worked closely with business analysts and the finance team to complete a full financial impact assessment to demonstrate the value of solving for this customer pain point.

Met with the operations teams, voice of customer team, and front-line employees to develop a future state experience.
Built Right

Addressed stakeholder concerns related to risk by quantifying the risk in dollars and developing a risk mitigation plan that allows for future iterations of the solution while also becoming more effective over time.

Partnered with our research team to develop a formal pilot approach to test the solution as well as future iterations.

Formalized a proposal for building a more robust data capability to better understand the customer experience related to Fraud.
The Results
We estimated that an additional 29% of customers who have experienced financial loss as a result of fraud would be benefited by this new experience. Those estimates have been exceeded and are trending at 36%.
Overall Fraud Dispute cycle time (i.e. time to final resolution) has decreased by 7 days which is in line with initial projections.
Estimates for potential financial risk as a result of the new experience are 40% less than initial projections as a result of the risk mitigation plan.
Retail Debit Card Reissue
I was asked to engage with an active delivery team that had been functioning without Design. This team was tasked with "lifting and shifting" servicing functions for our Branches from a legacy system to a new, more user friendly solution. In doing this, they recognized the need to leverage design so they might, at the same time, improve the experience for the user and the customer. Rather than dropping a poor process into a new tool, they sought to understand how they might use this as an opportunity to drive UX and operational efficiencies.
I led a team of CX resources (Service Designer, Experience Engineer, Product Designer) through a 60 day engagement to offer the delivery team a strategy for designing these new experiences in their new system, starting with the experience with the highest transaction volume, Retail Debit Card Reissues.
The Brief
The Problem Statement
When Branch Bankers reissue a Visa Debit Card today, they're using multiple systems and collecting information from customers they feel is not critical to the process. By using XX as a system for the process, Bankers are experiencing processing delays, system failures, and loss of work. This creates a poor experience for bankers and customers and results in longer processing, customer friction, and unnecessary manual effort.
The Goal
Bankers need a simple process to follow and reliable tools which will allow them to properly and efficiently reissue debit cards for customers, while customers need a quick and easy way to obtain a reissued debit card from their bank.
"How Might We..."
HMW make the Visa Debit Card Reissue experience 'better' for our customers and our Branch bankers as we transfer this functionality from XX into XX?
HMW visualize this new experience in a way that supports the work the delivery teams must do?
The Process
Align on the Approach & Outcomes

We met with our key stakeholders to capture a set of outcomes and with that, I developed an approach and proposed timeline.
Current State Discovery
Document current state in Service Blueprint
The Service Blueprint

Customer and Employee Actions (Front and Back Stage)
Process Pain Points
Technology and Tools
Risks & Controls
Understand more deeply, customer and employee sentiment related to the current experience
Overview of User Research Approach:
We developed a formal research plan, including high level objectives and a clear learning agenda.
Our method was a Survey, distributed bank wide to all Branch Bankers in every region.
We distributed the survey to ~4,500 Bankers and received responses 1,739 responses.
We utilized survey analytics to theme and graph all responses and manually synthesized 426 of those survey responses to collect more detailed insights from the freeform comments.
User Research

In partnership with our internal Voice of Customer team, we collected 500 customer complaints, of which 225 were analyzed in order to develop key themes.

Future State Design
Document the Future State Experience
To demonstrate how a new experience would look and feel to our bankers, I created a future state experience map. The green check marks in the visual, represent where we'd be addressing customer complaints in the new experience by implementing the recommendations we made to the business.
The Future State Experience Map

User Experience and Product Design will be the bridge that connects current state to future state. Using the insights from our research, I partnered with our Product Design Team to develop a set of Design Guidelines to ensure the employee and customer experience remains at the center of their decision-making as they begin designing the new experience in the system.

Develop Proposal for how the Product Team can Roadmap and Sequence Work
This below visual is a 'solutions roadmap'. It was developed to assist our product team prioritize proposed solutions and begin to define MVPs.
Design 'concepts' or proposed solutions were put through a prioritization rigor prior to being roadmapped. Through collaborative working sessions with business and product stakeholders, we assessed desirability, viability, and feasibility of each possible solution.
However, it was emphasize that these assessments were merely a first iteration. As solutions begin to take shape and progress through development, we will know more about what is required to bring them to market and as a result, will need to be reassessed as more information is available.
The Solutions Roadmap

The Results
The below estimates are projections and impacts will be measured post implementation.
Estimated reduction in customer complaints related to the Debit Card Reissue experience by 60%.
Estimated 24.6 FTE capacity release.
Estimated decrease in operating expense of $694,000.
Fraud Liaison Bot
This work example demonstrates the use of Service Design from problem framing through prototyping. Allow me to introduce "Frank" the Fraud Liaison Bot.
The Brief
The Opportunity Space
The Current State
The organization has an opportunity to improve the way we service customers who have experienced fraud while using their M&T Accounts and Services.
Today, customers are not always receiving timely notification of suspicious activity on their accounts. In addition, they are not receiving consistent communication throughout their fraud resolution experience.
"How Might We..."
Increase the number of customers successfully reached when suspicious activity is identified as result of monitoring?
Increase the number of communication touchpoints between us and our customer when fraud happens?
Increase the capacity of our Fraud Analysts so they are able to spend more time detecting and preventing fraud?
The Process
Right Problem

In partnership with our research team, we completed a JTBD analysis. This surfaced significant deficiencies in customer communication throughout the fraud experience.

Leveraging insights from JTBD, I developed ‘Areas of Focus’ cards that allowed us to assess and then prioritize the jobs we’d focus on in the next discovery sprint.

I facilitated a prioritization session with the CX Team and the Fraud Journey Owner. We identified the Top 4 areas of focus using the Hypothesis Prioritization Canvas.
Right Solution

We began brainstorming potential solutions and developing them into service concepts.

I developed high-level service blueprints to demonstrate how the proposed service concept (use of AI and Robotics to create automated customer fraud communications) could impact the customer experience as well as the business operation.

Created storyboards to prototype the "Fraud Bot" experience for business stakeholders.
Built Right

Presented ‘Frank, Fraud Liaison Bot’ service concept to business stakeholders.

Developed a framework for next steps in order assess viability, feasibility, and desirability of the solution.
The Results
Frank Liaison Bot was added to the Product backlog for prioritization in 2023.
Team Engagement Model
Our Customer Experience (CX) Resources were restructured and realigned to key areas of the business based on maturity/readiness/and strategically aligned work. As a result, there was a need to develop an engagement model for the new multi-disciplinary teams being dedicated to the commercial bank.
'Good', 'Better', 'Best'
By leveraging the 'good, better, best' approach, I was able to present my leadership team with:
Good - an overview of how things work today.
Better - an improved state that would require minimal effort and coordination with business stakeholders while providing a better dynamic for our teams to deliver.
Best - a view of an 'ideal state' that would require steering committee approval as well as additional resources to fully staff. Ultimately, this model would produce higher quality work outputs in a more efficient manner by embedding truly cross-functional CX resources in small groups where they can easily collaborate on larger bodies of work. This would also allow for the proper level of oversight, enabling teams to clear blockers and make decisions with more agility.
"GOOD" (Current)

Current team structure and 'red flags'

Green Check marks represent where red flags are solved for.

To view the 'Pod' Structure in
more detail
Engagement Model

The engagement model tells us once Teams are formed, how we engage with our business partners and how we receive and prioritize work.